Category Archives: Dreams

God forgive me…..

I remember a time where someone told me that he loved me but he could no longer continue to be around me. I drew him into my world of nagging and complaining… even thinking about the young me, makes me angry. You have to know when you’re that toxic person. We complain so much of others but we never look mirror. Look in the mirror. This is for the broken hearted and the purple dreams.


Coldplay for the heart

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Coldplay music does something for the heart. Any emotions you feel or would want to they have a song for it. The broken hearted sometimes has to healed by any means necessary and majority of the time .. that one song made you cry or laugh and it took care of the heart a little. I love Coldplay.. I’m sitting on the stars when I hear ” sky full of stars” and “Fix you” is my song when I need it. This is for the broken hearted and the purple dreams. Dream.


Half loved

I am wild and free.. that kind of wild that stays home and  Netflix all night with a whole pizza and a huge bottle of wine.. drunken from the bottle kind of wild and free. But I discovered awhile ago that my energy and my love is not just for anyone. Takes a special kinda person to handle my thunder and to experience my purple winds. I am wild and free.. that kind that loves the feeling of butterflies when she knows your on the other side of the door. But right now.. I’m falling in love with again.. just me.  This is always for the broken hearted and those purple dreams.


Twisted Love

I still believe, though I almost lost my way.. The idea of love is an amazing feeling! I was almost driven to the lowest point but I put the brakes on and realized that my life and my happiness is mine and I can go in any direction I choose. With lovers, family, and even some friends.. Learn to let go of those who drain your soul. This is for the broken hearted and the purple dreams. 


Being alone to find myself

Peace. Finding peace isn’t easy when you are surrounded by negativity and people who interrupt your peace. You have to sometimes move out of the way and let the devil have that road and you take another. It’s not always easy to let go of toxic people whether they be family members, lover, or friends who constantly interrupt your peace. Being along to find myself is the best thing for me to hear myself, thoughts, and to start over in life and fall back in love with me. Just me. 

Your worst battle…

I know what I have to do and what I need to do. Thinking with the heart can get you on some deep shit. I’m thinking I’m going with the brain this time around. Right now.. I just want my peace, time, and my memories back. I wanna feel alive again and I wanna feel the weight lifted off. I know what I have to do and what I need to do. This is for the broken hearted and those wondering purple dreams.


Send them love and send them off

I’m not lazy in love and and I understand work is needed in an relationship. I discovered I have a low tolerance for bullshit recently. My body took a beating in love and I guess I’m at the point where I rather stay home and watch my Korean drama than the be with someone I wish could be hit by a truck. Love sucks sometimes but I’m still hopeful. For now, I’ll focus on improving my life and my way of thinking and with that said.. For this person who feels the need to hurt my heart .. I send them love and send them off. This is for the broken hearted and those purple dreams.


And I began to let him go

To say it is easy would be a lie. I found myself wrapped up in all of his chaos. I was use to the pain it caused me mentally and for him I was an absolute fool. I just wanted someone to grow old with and drink coffee with. I wanted someone to lay under a tree and read poems with and go to concerts with. I image one day.. I’ll meet my soulmate at some Dave Matthews Band concert or maybe Coldplay as we look at each other and realize we sung every single song. And I began to let this one go.. So I can wait for the one who will sing with me forever. This is for the broken hearted and those purple dreams. 

Seasonal love

I keep going back to the same person who doesn’t really care. I’m breaking my own heart by continuously being a fool for the same fool. This year it’s loving me more and moving forward and not looking back. Here is to loving me. This is for broken hearted and the purple dreams!!  

I never learn…

I never learn…I can’t wish for someone to be that person and wait for the future to HOPE they become just that. Right now.. Sometimes all we got is right now. I don’t know about tomorrow but I know I’m worth it now. I’m finally realizing that I need to focus on just me right now. There are things I have to get straight and I don’t need anyone else that needs me. Right now I have to learn to love me. This is for the broken hearted and those purple dreams.
